Nedging With Naughton Village Hall & Community Council

                                            For Bookings
01449 741306



Village Hall News

December 2024

It’s astonishing that I last contributed to this blog in May.  Since then, numerous events have occurred.

The Boule court was completed towards the end of August, allowing us to utilize it for several evenings of play. Once winter is over, we will be back out there playing.  Gary’s tireless efforts in organizing and constructing the court are greatly appreciated. To facilitate accessibility, we will install a small cupboard with a set of boules, ensuring that anyone can participate.  The cupboard will be secured with a key code.  Additionally, a bench has been provided for payers to rest while waiting their turn.

Meanwhile, Gary has planted two black poplar trees in the field which we hope will thrive.  Unfortunately, a few of the fruit trees died over the summer, but we plan to replace them.  We also have a long-term plan for the field.  Which can be viewed on the notice board in the hall.

The annual family BBQ at the Village Hall was held in July.  While the weather conditions were inclement, with rain and thunder, the afternoon was not marred by strong winds.  Unlike a previous year we were spared the need to secure the Marquee to prevent it taking off.  Despite the reduced turnout compared to previous years, we enjoyed a delightful BBQ with a variety of salads and desserts.

We acquired a set of goal posts, with one installed in the playing field. The goalposts have proven popular among the village children, during the summer holidays and at weekends.  Hopefully it will encourage more children to utilize the playing fields and equipment. 

We were fortunate to receive funding from the national lottery to cover the repairs to the flat roof. The repairs were completed over the August bank holiday, despite the persistent rain. Thankfully the unsightly tarpaulin has now gone.  We have now been able to repaint the men’s toilets which are significantly improved.   

We are currently seeking funding to provide a disabled parking space which is urgently needed.  We hope to secure funding for this during the winter and commence construction in the spring.

The Quiz hosted by Martin was held in September and was well attended and everyone enjoyed their fish and chips.  The next quiz will be hosted by David in December.

This year we did not host an Autumn supper and dance.  However, we did host our ‘Posh Frock Dinner’ in November and this popular event was well-supported.  Dan and Chris provide us with a delicious meal.  Once again, George played the piano in the background. 

The coffee caravan visited in October providing coffee and cake which was enjoyed by visitors from both Caravan Parks and the Village.  The Coffee Caravan will be back again this November on Monday 25th  then return in the new year, January – March 10-12 on the Third Monday of the month. 

We have decided to ask for £100 deposit from anyone hiring the hall who is not known to the committee.  In October the hall was hired and a number of items were broken and the hall left in a bad state.  We hope this will not deter people from hiring the hall, but breakages have to be replaced.

We have many plans for next year.  We will start with a Beetle Drive in January.  Please see a list of the planned events on our events page.

If you would like to help organise events or assist with the running of the Village Hall, please contact us. We are always seeking new members with fresh ideas.

Sheila Goodman



April 2024

AGM Report for 2023


 As always this has been another busy year for the Village Hall and Community Council.  We have undertaken many projects and initiated new events.


 We  held our regular and popular saturday events and  introduced some new ones on a Third Thursday namely a board games night, quiz and Kurling.   We have had game show quizzes as well as the traditional pub style quiz.  Of all our events the quizzes seemed to be the most popular.  The ‘Posh Frock’ dinner was a lovely evening.  Dan, Dorit and Chris did us proud providing a really nice meal.  We were treated to George playing the piano while we ate.  The coffee  caravan visited us once a month during the winter months and was well  supported by the two caravan parks, as a few villagers. The local community police officer attended from time to time.


But it was unusual year in that it is the first time we have had to cancel two events due to lack of interest.  The first being the Autumn Supper and Dance the second being a pub games evening.  Both of these have been very popular in the past.  It would appear that the demographic of attendees and the village is changing and the events they are interested is changing as well.  We held a Jumble Sale this April. We had a lot of donations and the event was very popular.  Raising nearly £800.

We did lose two of our regular weekly classes.  Both the keep fit class and pilates class closed.  However, I am pleased to announce that these are being replaced by an exercise class which will cater for all levels of fitness particularly the less mobile. This class will start on Wednesday 22 May at 11:15 there will be refreshments after the class. This is a class being set up by ‘Active Suffolk’ so the first 8 classes will be free.  Thereafter the class will be around £7.  The second regular class will be an art class on a Thursday 11-1pm. starting on 23 May.  There will be flyers going out in roundabout about both these classes.

 The hall has been hired for many parties.  It was used by the Naughton Church May Fair, the Produce Show and Nedging Church Christmas Bazar.  BINGO evenings have also been organised by Chris Kearley to raise money for charity and there will  be another held on the 29 June.

We do have a leak in the flat roof at the back of the hall.  We are raising funds to have the roof repaired. Money raised at the Jumble sale will go towards the cost of a new roof.

One of the biggest projects we have been working on is the outside area.  We have planted more fruit trees at the top of the field.  We have cleared some of the brambles in the woods.  But there is still more to do and we have plans in place to  make the field more enjoyable. This will be a long term project.

 The contract for lawn mowing and hedge trimming changed at the beginning of the year.  They are on a 3 month trial.


 Another project is the Boule court.  We received funding for this from BDC.  Gary has been working hard on building it with some help from committee members and the village.  Unfortunately the weather has hindered the work but it is nearly finished.

 We look forward to the coming months as we have an open air theatre company  'The Handlebards’ coming to perform ‘The Comedy of Errors’  in May, A BBQ   planned for July, a Quiz planned for September, an Autumn Supper Dance planned for early October and our popular Christmas Quiz hosted by David in                 December.  The Third Thursday events will continue and we hope to make full use of the Boulle court as well.

Sheila Goodman


Village Hall News

May 2024

Well, it has been a very busy couple of months.  The jumble sale we held in April went well.  We were donated a lot of jumble and the event was very busy.  I think the bacon butties went down well.  We raised almost £800.  We donated the remains of the jumble to various charity shops and Nedging Church for their fete to be held in June.

The Village Hall AGM was also held in April.  It was sad to see that the only people who attended were the Trustees and council members.  There were no members of the village there.  No changes were made.  I am still Chair, Gary remains deputy and Tim remains treasurer.

May saw the village grounds used by Naughton Church May Faye.  Most of the village hall committee helped out.  Rain was forecast but held off until the finish when we all got a soaking while we cleared up.  But there was a good turnout for the event especially for the dog show.

The boule court is still being built.  The rain has hindered the building work but there is not much left to do now so hopefully we will be able to play soon.

The Kurling evenings went down very well in March and April.  They were a lot of fun and well attended.

Two new regular classes have now started.  Fit, Flex and Fun an exercise class aimed at the less able but can be attended by anyone is being held on Wednesdays 11:15-12:15 followed by a cuppa.  Then on Thursdays an art group is using the hall from 10-13 if you are interested in any of these groups the contact numbers are listed on this site.  Tai chi continues outside on a Monday lunch time 1-2.

I have saved the best to last.  On Wednesday (22nd May) ‘The Handlebards’ came to perform ‘The Comedy of Errors’ for us.  It was an outdoor event and we were worried that the weather would be wet.  It had rained hard the night before and there were small showers during the day.  The Handlebards arrived on the bikes and were treated to a meal cooked by Dan.  We had marquees up in case of rain.  The beer and BBQ tent was up.  Thankfully there was no rain during the event.  We had almost 100 people turn out to watch and the cast were fantastic.  They had us laughing especially when they dragged some of the audience onto the stage to take part.  We had lots of good feedback afterwards about the event.  The BBQ and Bar did well too, it was our first time of having a bar so may consider doing so again.  There are lots of photos of the event in our photos section.  Some of the committee shared their homes for the night to the actors and crew.  Then next morning they set of on their bikes to the next venue.

Sheila Goodman



Village Hall News

March 2024.

'A Comedy of Errors'

On the 22nd May we will have a touring theatre company coming to perform for us in the evening.  It is an outside event and some information about the company is provide below.  Gate is open from 6 pm and performance starts at 7 pm.

Pedalling from venue to venue with all of their set, props and costumes on the back of their bikes, the HandleBards are a four-strong troupe of actors who are spending the summer bringing environmentally sustainable Shakespeare to venues across the UK. 


Join the troupe at Nedging with Naughton Village Hall for a bicycle-powered production of Shakespeare’s ‘The Comedy of Errors’ like you’ve never seen before. When two sets of estranged twins are brought together on the same island, this classic comedy takes hold, with mistaken identity, music and manic costume changes a plenty.


This is an outdoor production, so please bring a chair or blanket to sit on, and dress for the weather!

Notes on Performance

– Doors open at 6pm. A BBQ and Bar is available for all your refreshment needs.   Come and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

– Chairs, blankets and any other low-level accessories are welcome.

– In case of rain, please don’t bring umbrellas as they block sight-lines for other audience members. Ponchos and raincoats are just as fetching, so please wear these instead. The Village Hall also have large pop-up Gazebos so you can stay dry if it rains. 

– This is an outdoors performance, and surfaces may be uneven – if you have any access related questions ahead of the performance please get in touch!

Tickets purchased from us are Adult £18, 21 and under £11, 12 and under £3.50, under 5 go free.  If you purchase via the Handlebards website there is a £1.50 booking fee.  To pay on the door is £20.

Places are limited to 250.  So please do not delay in getting your tickets.

Other News

Work is going ahead with the new Boule Course but the wether has held back the building work.  The third thursday events are going ahead with a mixed response on Thursday 21st we hare indoor Kurling. It starts at 7 pm there is an entrance fee of £3 to cover costs.  Please bring your own drink and nibbles.

The rural coffee caravan will be visiting the hall for a final time on Thursday 28th March 10-12 am.  Please come along and support it.  After that we plan to hold a coffee morning on the first Thursday of the Month starting in May.  Cost will be £3 but you can have as much tea and coffee as you like.  Hopefully there will be cake and biscuits as well.

Sheila Goodman



Village Hall Report

January 2024


Happy New Year to you all.  Before I look forward to 2024, I just want to look back at 2023.  I am aware that I have published any news for a while.  The autumn was a little quiet to get going but at the end of November we held our Posh Frock Dinner.  This was a lovely night. We purposefully kept numbers low to give it an intimate ambiance.  The meal was delicious and we were entertained by young George an accomplished pianist.  We will be booking him for next year if we can.  Then in December another tradition not to be missed was our Christmas Quiz hosted by David once again.  David did a good job of maintaining order and the Fish and Chips were good.


On the down side the flat roof needs attention so it has a temporary fix at the moment.  We are hoping to raise funds to get it replaced and will be holding a jumble sale in April to help with this. 


Now we are already in 2024 and have lots of events planned for this year.  We start the year with our first Third Thursday Event which will be a board games night.    This will be followed in February with a Game Show Style quiz.  Then in March there may be a BINGO night or another games evening.  There will not be any food at these events so bring your own drink and nibbles.  The cost will be £3 entrance. We will continue to hold events on a Saturday with supper.  And are holding a Beetle Drive in January. 


The coffee caravan will be visiting the hall the last Thursday in January, February and March. 


Tai Chi will continue at the hall on a Monday lunchtime.  However, the Pilates class will no longer be running.


I have been working with Active Suffolk to replace the classes which have folded.  They carried out a survey before Christmas.  It showed that a few people wanted a music exercise class so they will be trying to find one for Tuesday mornings.  They will also try to find another teacher for Pilates on a Wednesday evening.  One of the things mentioned in the survey was a craft/sewing/knitting club.  So I am suggesting we start a club on a Thursday morning once a month and start it in February when the Coffee Caravan is with us and continue when it no longer visits.  Cost will be £3 to cover costs and coffee.


A working party is currently looking at the future of the field behind the hall.  The orchard is doing well as are the trees and shrubs planted out the front.  But there are more trees to plant and they are hoping to provide something to be enjoyed by the whole village.


Sheila Goodman


Village Hall Report

October 2023

It has been a quiet time in the village the last few weeks, apart from the Harvest, but we are now looking forward to the Autumn and have plenty of events planned to keep you occupied as the nights draw in. 

In August the Village Produce show was held in the hall the first since it was postponed because of covid. The organisers were not sure how it would go but despite the drop in exhibits there was a good turnout at the afternoon viewing. They hope this may encourage more people to enter next year. The organisers are planning on having some talks during the winter form judges so people know what to enter and how. It is also planned for September when hopefully people have returned from their holidays.


We kicked of the Autumn with a ‘Quirky Quiz’ which went down well. This quiz did not follow the usual format as our other quizzes. Rather than lots of questions it was more interactive and had everyone buzzing. Everyone agreed it was a really good quiz. We had the usual fish and chip supper which this time came from Cracknels in Stowmarket went down well with the ‘tea’ (which was one of the rounds).

Our next event will be the Autumn Supper and Dance on 28th October. Tickets will be on sale from 1st October. We have ‘Shoot the Drummer’ back by popular demand. Then on 18th November we will be holding our ‘Posh Frock’ dinner as it is affectionately known.   David will be once again hosting our Christmas Quiz in December.

Also, on 4th November there will be another BINGO evening at the hall hosted by Chris and Janice Kearley in aid of EACH. Please contact them if you would like tickets on 07730-886985.

The sad news is the dog training class no longer runs and the keep fit class has not returned for the autumn because the numbers attending had dropped. However, Tai Chi and Pilates are going from strength to strength. Because Tai Chi is usually held outside, we are able to have new members so if you fancy giving it a go come along on a Monday at 12:45. It costs £7 for the hour and dress for the weather.

New for the autumn will be the return of the Rural Coffee Caravan. We used to have it visit twice a year a few years ago and it stopped with COVID but it will be coming to the hall once a month during the winter starting on November 23rd between 10 and 12.

It was nice to see the playing field and equipment well used this summer. I have seen lots of dogs being exercised in the field and children on the play equipment or having a game of football.

We have some work to do outside as the hedges and trees around the playground still need cutting back and the weeds at the front grow back quicker than we can remove them, this will be addressed in the coming weeks.

Next year we plan to hold an event every third Thursday, a quiz, a board games night and BINGO on rotation over 3 months. Look out for more details about this in the next update.

Sheila Goodman


Village Hall Report

July 2023

I can’t believe we are halfway through the year already and are busy planning our autumn events. We have had a couple of events in the last couple of months.

The BINGO hosted by Chris and Janice went really well and was a good evening. Chris seemed a little nervous at first but by the end of the evening he was in full swing and did a brilliant job. I was also pleased to see the hall full. Chris and Janice were able to donate over £200 to the Village Hall – thank you. They are already planning the next BINGO evening for November with money being raised going to Charity. 

We had a nice day for the BBQ at the beginning of the month. Although it was overcast and a little windy it was a nice warm afternoon. 40 people which included 5 children enjoyed Sausages, Burgers and Chicken cooked on the BBQs by Tim, Gary and Chris, with salads to go with it. Thanks to everyone who helped prepare the food. After we had eaten and digested, we had simultaneously a rounders match and welly wanging. Steven from Chelsworth won the ‘welly wanging’. We could have had a dog show as there were a few dogs enjoying the afternoon as well.

 A few people have shown their interest in playing Boule (Petanque, Boccia) court. I recently played it while on holiday and it is such a fun game but some skill is needed.  So hopefully we can get some funding to build a court in the playing area.  If there is anything else you would like at the hall or playing field, please let us know we cannot promise we will be able to provide it but will do our best.

The birds do not discriminate about where they poo. The picnic tables seem to take the brunt of it. We do try to keep them and the swings clean but if you find them mucky, please let us know so we can get them cleaned. There are a few repairs which need to be made to the play area bear with us while we get that organised.

The Village Produce show is back this year and I have been told it will be just as good as pre COVID years. Schedules have been distributed around the village so get choose your class and get your produce ready for 26th August. It is open to everyone who lives in the Village.

Our next event will be a Quirky Quiz with fish and chip supper hosted by our very own Deputy Chair – Gary London. It will be held on Saturday 9th October. Tickets will go on sale in August.

There is to be another BINGO night at the hall organised and hosted by Chris Kearley on the 4th November. More information about that when Chris has organised it.

We will be holding our annual Autumn supper and Dance on the 29th October once again we have ‘shoot the drummer’ playing for us. It will as usual be held at Naughton Hall Barn.

As part of our biodiversity plan the village hall has recently planted several native species trees and shrubs alongside the hall with a Coronation Oak planted in the playing field.

In the meadow behind the playing field, we have planted a small orchard of various fruit trees. If any residents would like to present the hall with a commemorative fruit tree and plaque, we will take care of the planting and look after it. For further information please email the address below

The Thursday Keep Fit class has had some members leave and the numbers have dropped if you would like to try it out or join, please get in touch with Sam it would be a shame to see this class close. Contact details are below.

Sheila Goodman


Village Hall Report

May 2023

May was a very busy month for everyone.  First there was the May Fayre, followed by the Coronation celebrations and then the Spring bank holiday weekend.  Let’s hope June will be a more relaxed month.

We held our Coronation celebrations with a sharing picnic in the playing field.  Gary put together a brilliant royal themed treasure hunt which was enjoyed by all those who took part.  Despite the poor turnout everyone who came had a lovely time and the weather was kind to us.  The following day we held our ‘Big Help Out’ a few people came to help us tidy up the side of the Village Hall and plant trees and shrubs.  We also started planting our community orchard at the top of the back field.  This will be added to over time, in fact we have more fruit trees arriving in a couple of weeks.  When the fruit is ready anyone taking a walk in the field can pick an apple or pear to eat.  There will be a cherry tree but we were reliably informed that the birds will probably get to the fruit first! The highlight of the day was planting our Coronation Oak tree near to the patio. 

The BINGO evening organised by Chris and Janice Kearly went very well.  There was a large turnout for the event.  Chris was very nervous at the start but by the end of the evening he was a PRO.  It was a fun evening enjoyed by everyone.   They hope to organise another one in a couple of months’ time.

Our next event will be the annual BBQ ion Sunday 2nd July at 1 pm we will be advertising this shortly.   We are hoping to have a rounders match if we have enough people to join in.  There may even be the annual ‘welly throwing’.  As always email us for tickets at the address below.

For uur next project we hope to build a Boules court if we can get enough support and some funding. 

Once again, we look forward to seeing you at the hall.

Sheila Goodman


Village Hall Report

April 2023

Spring has sprung and so have the Daffodils and Tulips.  Everywhere is looking colourful especially now that the tree blossom is coming out.  The Beetle Drive was well attended despite some last-minute sickness.  The bangers and mash went down a treat thanks to Dorit, Chris and Dan for preparing it for us.  We hope to see many of you at our Coronation Celebrations on the 7th and 8th May.  Let’s hope the weather is kind to us on those days.  The next event also to be held in May is a BINGO night this is something new for the Village and if successful may become a regular event.  It is being organised by Chris Kearley his contact details are above. 

Sheila Goodman


Village Hall Report

March 2023

Our Annual General Meeting was held this month.  The attendance was lower than I had hoped, but it was a very wet, windy and cold night so it was nice that a few people did turn out for the event.  The Chairmans and Treasurers reports can be read below.  No changes were made to the Trustees or Executive Committee and Council.  The only exception was that Julie will no longer be secretary, Dorit Powell has agreed to take on the role but will not hold a place on the council in line with guidance from the Charity Commission. 



Our last event was the Games evening which was very well attended.  It was a fun evening, the ploughman’s supper went down well and everyone had a good time.

Our next event will be the Beetle Drive.  We have a good number booked onto it already.  Dorit has volunteered to cook the Bangers and Mash with Onion Gravy. Dan has offered to help her.

There are still some places available for the Tai Chi class which are held Monday lunchtimes and the Keep Fit Class held Thursday afternoons.  If you are interested in going along to the classes, please see the information on this site for contact detail. 

Two of our new residents Chris and his wife Janice plan to hold a BINGO Evening at the hall on 13th March

7 pm for 7.30 pm start, £7 entrance for 10 games bring your own snacks and drinks.  There will be a raffle and ‘Name the Teddy’.  For more information or tickets contact Chris on 07730 886 985.

We hope to see many of you at our events this spring and summer.

Sheila Goodman


The bank holiday weekend of 6th May is the celebration of King Charles coronation and villages across the country are being asked to join in the festivities.  The Coronation Service itself will take place on the morning of Saturday, 6th May 2023 and is screened on TV.  We have decided to hold events on the Sunday and bank holiday Monday. 


Neighbours and communities across the United Kingdom are invited to share food and fun together at Coronation Big Lunches on Sunday 7th May 2023. We are joining this nationwide act of celebration and friendship, through a village picnic in the grounds of the village hall. Starting in early afternoon and finishing in good time for people to get back to see the coronation concert, being produced and broadcast live by the BBC. This will be a bring you own food and drinks event, with ample opportunity to share and swap whatever you contribute. We will organise a royal themed quiz and treasure hunt to keep you entertained.


The Palace has also asked communities to support The Big Help Out on Monday, 8th May. The Big Help Out encourages people to try volunteering for themselves and join the work being undertaken to support their local areas, as a tribute to His Majesty The King's public service. Our interpretation of this initiative is to complete the planting and outside environment to the side of the village hall. We will arrange for the heavy lifting work to be completed before hand and on the Monday, we will be planting the trees and shrubs and general maintenance of the grounds to address the outstanding planning commitments. All are welcome to attend from midmorning to early afternoon.

For further details or to lodge your attendance, please message Gary London, the vice chair of the Nedging and Naughton village hall committee at

Nedging with Naughton

Village Hall and Community Council


9 March 2023 in the Village Hall at 1930


Members of the local community are invited to attend



1.      Welcome


2       Chairman’s Report and response to any questions arising


3       Treasurer’s Report and response to any questions arising


4.        Election of Trustees for the Council: Currently:

         Sheila Goodman

         Tim Goodman

         Gary London

         Julie Raison

         Chris Harding

         Martin Batt


5.      Appointment of Secretary


6.      Election of Executive Committee by Council Members: (Currently)

         Chairman:                     Sheila Goodman

Vice Chairman              Gary London                         

Treasurer:                    Tim Goodman

                           Julie Raison


7.      Election of Local Council Members: (Currently)

         Representing        Parish Council               Sheila Goodman

                                     St Mary PCC Nedging    Jill Taylor

                                     St Mary PCC Naughton Kay Pratt

                                     The Produce Show         


8.      Election of Local Community Members: (Currently)

         Sue Ward

         Paul Homer

         Dan Baker


9.      Any other business.

Village Hall Report

February 2023

Happy New Year to you all.  I know I am a month late.  But his is the first newsletter of the year.   I hope you are looking forward to this year’s events. 

On Saturday we held our Games Night with a Ploughman’s Supper.  Everyone enjoyed an evening competing in teams playing Darts, Dominoes, Whist, Shove Halfpenny and Bagatelle.  It was a fun evening with lots of banter and rivalry. I unfortunately was in the losing team though I can proudly say I did win the dominos round.

Our next event will be the Beetle Drive on 18th March.  It is a family event and children are welcome.  There will be a Bangers and Mash supper.  This will also be a very competitive evening as you are playing to win as many games as possible.  I only hope I do not have to call out the riot police.  Tickets are £10 for adults and £6 for children 6-12. 

It is hoped that the village will come together on 7th May to Celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III.  Various suggestions have been put forward.  A popular suggestion is a lunchtime picnic with everyone bringing some food and drink with games for the children etc.  If you have further suggestions or would like to help with this please contact:  Gary London:

We are looking for some new events to host at the hall.  We have been asked for a regular BINGO night.  So, if there is anyone out there who would like to take this on, on a regular weekly or monthly basis please let us know. We have the equipment.  Currently the hall is free on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings.  I have also been asked if we can have a whist or non-serious bridge club.  Again, if anyone would like to take this on and organise it, please get in touch.  An afternoon session is preferable.  The hall is free most days in the afternoons.  Another event is indoor curling.  We have the equipment for this and if anyone is interested in playing, we can set this up. 

There are places available in all of the classes held at the hall.  Tai Chi on Mondays, Pilates on Wednesdays and Keep Fit on Thursdays.  Please get in touch with the relevant organisers if you are interested in joining these classes.

We will soon be planting fruit trees in the far field to make an orchard.  We are not totally sure which fruit trees yet as we are waiting to see what is available to us.  We hope to plant; apple; pear; plum and cherry.  The fruit will be available for those in the village to use.

In May we will be planting Bluebells in the wood.

We are also planning how the field can be better used for the village so if you have any ideas please get in touch.  I know it is used by lot of people walking their dogs.  The footpaths in the filed make it an enjoyable walk for both dogs and owners. 

Remember the Hall, the play area and the filed belong to the village.  They are there for your use and if you have any ideas on how to make them more enjoyable, please let us know. 

Furthermore, we are always looking for more help at the hall.  The only way we can maintain the Hall is by holding events for the village and renting it out.  Without your support to help us do that it will have to close.  Our next AGM is in March so please come along and offer your support.

Sheila Goodman


Village Hall Report

December 2022

It is now the Christmas Season.  The Christmas tree went up in the hall so those using the hall throughout the season could enjoy it.  The Nedging Church held their Christmas bazar which I believe went well. 

Since I last wrote we have held two events.  The first was our “Posh Frock’ Dinner … named with the idea that people could have an event where they could dress up.  It was the first we had held since before COVID struck and although not so many attended as in previous years it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening.  The food as usual was perfect, cooked and served by Cheryl Salisbury and her team.  The evening started with a welcome drink and chatter.  Then we sat down to a four-course meal followed by coffee and mints.   

We followed that event up with a Christmas Quiz and Fish & Chips.  This event was oversubscribed and we had to turn people away.  Despite being held the same night England played against France apart from one couple everyone turned up.  It was a brilliant evening.  Our thanks to David for hosting the quiz.

The dog training, Keep-Fit, Tai Chi and Pilates classes have broken up for the holiday and will return next year.  Unfortunately, the Coffee mornings will no longer be held.  Please see Rosina’s letter below…

"It is with sad regret that I am writing to say that December will be my last coffee morning. I would like to thank Phyllis and Wendy for their continued support in making teas and coffees for you all. They have been a tremendous help in making this so successful. Also, the helpers that stop and help us clear up at the end of the morning. I want to thank the Village Hall Committee who have supported me with this venture. Also, I want to say a big thank you to you all who have supported it so regularly and made it the success it was.

To date I have sent £600 to Blind Veterans and also a donation to the Salvation Army.

Knowing the support, we receive from Blind Veterans we personally know how important this charity is to all blind ex-service men.

Sadly, Peter's Health is not so good and I am now his full-time carer. I have found over recent months that I am struggling and have faced the fact that I have to cut back on things I do.

I have enjoyed many interests over the years and will miss them, especially seeing you all on coffee mornings. Again, my heartfelt thanks to you all.

God Bless You All and We wish you all a Very Happy Christmas.

Don't forget to come to our last one, Christmas Coffee Morning on Tuesday December 13th.

Hope to see you all there.

Fondest Love


PS If anyone would like to take it over, we would happily come along to support you."

We have planned lots of events for next year.  Please see the events page for a full list.   The first will be a pub games evening at the end of January.  If you have never been please come along it is always good fun and a chance to meet other villagers.  We work in teams to play darts, dominoes, whist, and shove-halfpenny.  There will be one other game but this is not confirmed yet.  There will be a ploughman’s supper and as always bring your own drink. 

The new hedging was planted in early December around the fence at the side of the hall.  This will complement the grassed area around the patio.  We say good bye and thank you to Alan Smythe who has retired. He has kept the hedging and playing fields neat and tidy for us for a number of years.  He deserves his rest.  We say hello to Will Pratt who has taken over from him.

Finally, we are looking for some new members to join the committee and especially a secretary as our current one has resigned.  If you are interested, please get in contact with us.  Details on the home page.

Happy New Year to you all.

Sheila Goodman


Village Hall Report

November 2022

We are now well and truly into Autumn and although it is still warm the days are getting shorter. However, we have events on at the hall to brighten the dark nights. The first of these was our ‘Posh Frock’ dinner held on Saturday 12th November.

 And what a fabulous dinner it was. Thirty of us Sat down to dinner worthy of a 5* restaurant cooked by Cheryl.   



Our next event is the Christmas Quiz with fish & chips on 10th December. We have already sold out of tickets and have a waiting list. I was overwhelmed by the response we have had and I hate to disappoint anyone, so I am sorry if you were unable to get a ticket. 


We will be holding a meeting in early December to arrange events for the next year. The quiz seems to be the most popular so we may increase the number we put on. We have also had a request for a pub games evening and may have one to kick the year off at end of January with a ploughman’s supper.


The playground is just about finished. The new swings, bouncy duck and my favourite the surfer are up and running. The old swings have been painted and are waiting their new seats. The patio area is much smarter now that the new turf has started to grow. We are waiting for our trees and hedging to arrive then they can be planted then we can attract more wildlife into the area.

Sheila Goodman


Village Hall Report

September 2022


It has been a long hot summer and I hope you have enjoyed your holidays whether at home or away. At last, the long-awaited rain finally arrived and it is good to see the grass turning green again. We definitely needed the rain on the playing field especially where we had the new turf laid. Although the weeds seemed to thrive during the drought, we hope we have dealt with most of them. Later we will be getting the rest of the weeded areas removed and the area turfed. 

The new play equipment has arrived and will be installed in the middle of October. I will let you know when it is ready to be used. The baby swings are being replaced at the same time with new seats and chains and the frame will get a makeover. We have tried to keep the children’s swings clean as the pigeons are constantly making them dirty. The balance beam is also being replaced. So, there are lots of new things happening at the hall.


The keep fit class resumed a few weeks ago with Sam. If you want to start the class her number is 07930 409540. The class is on a Thursday between 2 and 3 pm. She caters for all abilities and I hear she is very good.


The Tai Chi class is looking for new members. So, if you think it is something you would like to learn please contact me at the email address below. 

Our next planned event is the Autumn Supper and Dance on 8th October. Tickets are on sale now. This is a popular event due to the fantastic band ‘Shoot the drummer’ who play for us.

We are pleased to say that our ‘Posh Frock’ dinner is back after a long break and will be held on the 19th November. Numbers are restricted for this event as it is a sit down four course meal, if you wish to come get your name in now. We don’t have a menu yet or a ticket price but I will update you when I have more details. 

Our annual Christmas Quiz is planned for the 10th December along with a Fish and Chip supper.

We have not yet decided on the events for next year but if you have any ideas, please let us know. Also, if you would like to get involved with helping organise any events get in touch. We need new members with fresh ideas to join us.


Sheila Goodman


Village Hall Report

July 2022

We held a meeting in June where we welcomed Gary and Julie onto the committee, they are now Trustees and members of the executive committee replacing Jo and Mark.   Mark attended the meeting for the last time before stepping down as Trustee and Deputy Chair.  Gary has replaced him as Deputy Chair and Julie has become Secretary replacing Jo. Dan Baker joined bringing a younger element to the Council.

We held our Summer Quiz on the 9th July.  We had a record number of attendees and would have had more if Covid and other illness had not prevented people attending at the last minute.  Our quiz master got COVID so Tim stepped in to ask the questions.  55 enjoyed a fun evening answering questions.  We had our usual fish and chip supper, this time ordered from the Lime Burners Pub.  It was good to give a local business some support and their fish and chips were tasty.  Our next quiz will be held at Christmas

There is going to be a Children’s Picnic on 3rd August in the playing field behind the hall.  Lucy is organising this.   Just bring your children or grandchildren and a picnic, we will provide some cold drinks.  This is going to be a fun day with lots of games for the children.  Please can you to let us know if you are coming though as we want to have an idea of how many to expect. 

The play equipment has been approved by the Parish Council (who are paying for it).  They will order it in the next week so hopefully it will be in place in the Autumn.  There will be swings for older children and a bouncy duck for younger ones.  There is also going to be another piece of equipment which anyone can use, but you will have to wait until it is installed to see what it is.

The picnic area is taking shape.  First the patio was completed then the picnic tables were added now the area around it has been turfed.  We are fighting the weather to keep it alive as the current heatwave means we are watering it every day.  But the whole area looks really good now.  We have one more area to do but decided to wait until the weather changes and we have some rain.  Then all we need to do is put in some hedging, shrubs, trees and flowers but this will wait until the Autumn.  We have had a clear-out around the hall so the area is so much more appealing.

The last piece of work carried out was to cut back some of the vegetation in the Jubilee Wood.

In the Autumn we are going to have a Supper and Dance.  It is booked for 8th October and will be held it at Nedging Hall Barn.  ‘Shoot the Drummer’ will be back to keep us all dancing. Tickets are £12 but please bring your own drink.  Contact us if you would like tickets.

And, if you want to get involved in helping out at the Village Hall please let us know.

Sheila Goodman


Village Hall Report

June 2022

Sadly, Jo and Mark who became Trustees in March and joined the committee have had to leave. We are currently recruiting new trustees more information to follow once this is finalised.

The Jubilee saw celebrations taking place around the County. We were no exception and held our Jubilee event on Saturday and was lucky enough to have good weather despite the wind. Around 98 villages attended, and while the adults took part in croquet and wellie wanging the children enjoyed the bouncy castle and giant Jenga. 

A big thank you to everyone who made salads and the lovely deserts, and to all the helpers setting up and taking down the marquees. And finally, a big thanks to those of you who attended the event we hope you enjoyed yourselves.

Our next event will be our popular quiz with David in the chair as quizmaster. There will be the usual fish and chips. Get your tickets early as this event gets filled quickly. Do not forget to bring your own drink.

We are also thinking about holding a children’s afternoon picnic during the summer holidays. Let us know what you think about that.

We are also busy planning an Autumn supper and dance. ‘Shoot the Drummer’ are back by popular demand. More about this event at a later date. We are also planning one of our ‘posh frocks’ dinners but this is dependent on whether we can have our usual caterer. Then it will be Christmas and the quiz. The wheel never stops turning at VH headquarters.

All our building work is finished. The area around the patio will be turfed shortly which will make it look much tidier. 

We are waiting for the parish council to purchase the new play equipment we have asked for then we can get it installed. This will improve the play area so that there will be equipment for older children to use.

Sheila Goodman


Village Hall Report
May 2022

The Village Hall and Community council are a Charity run by Trustees. The Trustee’s oversee the upkeep of the hall and playing fields on behalf of the village. The hall belongs to the village. It was purchased in 1936 when it stopped being used as a school. The Committee is made up of an Executive committee of four Trustees. Then a Committee of Trustees and local community members overseer the day to day running of the hall. The charity is now a member of Entrust.

The upkeep of the hall is financed in many ways. The Hall is let out to the village for parties and regular classes, the Parish Council provide money from the precept to help with the upkeep of the hall and maintenance of the playing fields and finally, grants are found when large building work is required. We have had grants in the past from The Lottery, Babergh District Council, both our District and County Councillors have provided money from their locality fund and we have recently been awarded a grant from Biffa to help build our extension. But our main source of regular money is collected when we hold events for the village such as Beetle Drives, Quizzes, Games evenings and BBQs.

It has been a very busy and successful year for the Village Hall. The building of the new extension kept most of the committee busy, especially Chris and Tim. Building work was delayed due to COVID, planning committees and supply issues. But was well on the way to being built last winter. 

Work was carried out on the playing fields cutting back trees and bushes to let more light in. Footpaths were cut in the big field allowing you to take walks through it more easily. Although it was completely cut for the May Fair, we hope the paths will return for the winter. Bird and Bat boxes have been put up land later in the year we will be putting up hedging and planting a few trees.

The hall has had a regular cleaner which meant despite the mess created by the builders we were able to keep the hall reasonably clean. It should be much cleaner now that the building work has finished. But having a regular cleaner is great especially as the hall is being used more frequently.  

Pilates (Wednesday evening) and keep fit (Thursday afternoon) have continued. Tai Chi (Monday lunchtime) started in September and although the classes are mainly held outside, the class does use the hall when the weather is inclement. The monthly coffee mornings (2nd Tuesday of the month) returned and although not many residents from the village attend it is very popular. Dog training (Monday evening and some Thursday evenings) started last summer also. The hall has also been let out for a few parties and family events. If you are interested in joining any of these classes then drop us an email and we will put you in touch with the relevant organiser.


The AGM was held in March. Chris Harding stepped down as Chair. We thank Chris for all the work he has done for the Village Hall during his time as Chair. We would never have had the new extension built without him. Lynda Harding stepped down as secretary, she did a grand job of keeping all the paperwork together. Sheila Goodman was voted on as Chair (previously deputy chair). Mark Banthorpe was voted on as deputy chair. Tim Goodman remains treasurer and Jo Banthorpe was voted on as secretary. Sheila, Mark, Tim, Jo and Chris are trustees along with Martin Batt. Paul Homer has joined the committee while Sue Ward remains on the committee for social events.

The new executive committee had one planning meeting in March. And the whole committee met to discuss future events in May.

Building work

The extension is now completed. The painting of the main hall was carried out and is in keeping with the extension, it has made such a difference giving the hall a fresh look. The ladies’ toilets were updated last December and decorated making it a more inviting place to ‘spend a penny’. The patio has been completed and two picnic tables are now in place paid for by our county councillor Robert Lindsey. The area around is to be rotavated and grassed. Quotes are being sought for a path from the carpark as wheelchair users are finding it difficult to navigate the gravel. There is one area of damp which is being looked at in the lobby, although not too bad at the moment and will be dealt with.  

Our next project will be to add extra play equipment to the existing playground. We have already received a donation of £1000 from our district councillor Leigh Jamieson to help with purchasing equipment. At the recent Parish Council (PC) meeting it was agreed to provide the money received through building work community levy fund (CLL)which is to be spent for the village) the PC would pay for the three items of play equipment and installation which is brilliant news for all children in the village, especially the older ones as we hope to provide equipment specifically for them.


The Harvest supper was our first event since COVID. This was a very good evening. We were lucky to have ‘Shoot the drummer’ play, they certainly draw a crowd. We thank James Buckle and his team for letting us use Nedging Hall Barn once again for this popular event.

We held a Christmas quiz in December with the usual Fish and Chips hosted by Martin Batt, yet again another successful evening with a good turnout. Then we held our annual Beetle Drive in March which was hosted by Rosina. This I can honestly say is our most competitive event. It is a fun evening and if you get the chance, please come to the next one which will be at the beginning of next year.  

The official opening of the extension was held during the afternoon on 23rd April. It was hoped that Biffa the main contributor would be in attendance but unfortunately, they were unable to attend. The afternoon was deemed a great success. About 100 residents attended the event many of them new to the village. Although Tim and I could not be there as we had COVID we were told it was a very successful afternoon. We are hoping many of the new residents will be coming to some of our future events.

There was a Bingo evening on May 13th organised by Sharon Hawken with proceeds going to charity. I am noted sure how much was made but although it was a good evening there were only 18 playing this popular game that night.

Our next event will be on 4th June at 1 pm. This is our annual lunch/afternoon event normally a BBQ but this year we are celebrating the Queens Platinum Jubilee and we are having roast meats, paninis, salads, etc. and some lovely desserts. There will be lots of games to keep everyone entertained such as our annual ‘Wellie Wanging’, clock golf, croquet, ‘Dutch shuffle board’ and a bouncy castle for the Children. There will be the usual raffle. I will be photos of the event on here afterwards.  

The event following that will be a summer quiz with Fish and Chips on July 9th. We are not sure who will be hosting it yet, it could be Martin or it could be David you will just have to come and find out.

Sheila Goodman

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