Nedging with Naughton Village Hall
& Community Council
AGM 25th April 2024
Present: Sheila Goodman, Tim Goodman, Gary London, Julie Raisin, Chris Harding, Sue Ward, Dan Baker, Paul Homer
Apologies Received: None
No members of the public were present at the meeting.
1. Welcome
Chair Sheila Goodman opened the AGM at 19:30 welcoming the attendees.
2 Chairman’s Report
Sheila Goodman read the Chairs report. See attached.
3 Treasurer’s Report
Tim Goodman summarised the status of the Accounts. The full report is available separately to the Minutes
The Hall has achieved an income of £7,357.05, mainly from events and those hiring the hall a small amount come from weekly classes at the venue.
The main expenditure comes from running costs. Current Direct Debits are covering, but unit costs are expected to increase. Insurance has also seen a significant increase (30%) but remains competitive with other companies.
Reserves at 31/12/2023 stand at £2,975.48
Action: continue to monitor offers from electricity suppliers and switch if appropriate. (Treasurer)
4. Election of Officers:
The current Trustees were unanimously confirmed in their positions:
Sheila Goodman, Tim Goodman, Gary London, Julie Raison, Chris Harding, Martin Batt
5. Election of Executive Committee by Council Members
The members of the Executive Committee were unanimously re-appointed
Chairman: Sheila Goodman
Vice Chairman: Gary London
Treasurer: Tim Goodman
Julie Raison
6. Confirmation of Local Council Members
Representing Parish Council: Sheila Goodman
St Mary PCC Nedging Jill Taylor
St Mary PCC Naughton Kay Pratt
The Produce Show: Tim Goodman
7. Election of Local Community Member
Elected unanimously:
8. Any other business
8.1 Three policies – Health and Safety, Safeguarding, and equal opportunities were approved by the executive committee. Gary has produced an information sheet for new members to read when joining the committee. Anyone hiring the hall will be made aware of the policies.
Action: To be reviewed in 12 months.
8.2 Mowing and Landscaping: A new contractor was found at the beginning of the year and are on a trial.
Action: Their contract will be reviewed in three months
8.3 Gary outlined a plan for the outside areas. He showed us a detailed map of the proposals. These were approved by the committee with a few minor changes. It was noted that these proposals will take physical time and need finance to support them. See attached plan.
Action: To work through the proposals one at a time.
8.4 Gary gave an update on the building of the Boulle Court. Weather has been a hindrance as well as time and manpower.
Action: To clear the pile of base gravel before the next delivery. Which should be deposited directly onto the court weather permitting.
Meeting closed at 20:30
Nedging with Naughton Village Hall and Community Council
Nedging with Naughton Village Hall
& Community Council
Committee meeting on 25 January 2024 at 19:30
Attendees: Sheila, Tim, Paul, Dan, Gary, Martin, Chris, Julie
Minutes from last meeting to be updated
Chair report
- Christmas Quiz was very good. Happy to retain format for next year - David is looking to do it again.
- Keep Fit Suffolk contact has changed and is not keeping informed as well as before. Trying to find new Pilates coach and someone offering music-based classes. Tai-Chi class is running very well with a new person joining almost each time.
- Coffee caravan today about 6 from village and 5 others. Community Police officer came along to introduce herself - returned after posting to Ipswich. Rep from Health authority collecting feedback with GP services. Next date 20th (?) but after March it will return to Caravan site. Sheila planning to continue as a crafts event
- Gary: Jo suggested to run a book club from the hall. Committee agrees that this may be an idea worth pursuing.
Finance report
- In bank: £3480, few more money coming in for ticket sales
- Invoice (£700) requested for grass cutting, but Will has not responded or declared that this would be a donation to the hall
- Lost £550 from Pilates, but at least last invoice was paid on time. Awaiting to learn if/when new classes can be arranged
- Electricity community broker still not provided T&Cs. Current prices on offer would give 34% savings. ACTION: Tim to chase some of the reference contacts. ACTION: try switching via comparison sites
- Flat roof: request for help with report, funding from Community fund must be spent before end of FY, question asked if we can ring-fence. ACTION: TIM with help from Chris to engage with District Council specialists to design and spec.
- Ventilation is still an issue - damp curtains and smell in the hall and kitchen if the hall hasn’t been used for a while. ACTiON: Tim to engage with Richard to install trickle vents. Committee authorised to Go ahead immediately if cost is <£150.
- Grass cutting: ACTION: Tim to confirm cost for 2024.
- Playground: Balance beam edges have been smoothed out.
Environment sub committee
- Committee met and discussed various options. Decided to keep similar to current layout. Centre as zoned meadow/car parking, corners as planting areas. Increase the opening in the partitioning hedge to allow view into back area
- Gary to share document with meeting outcomes
- Next steps: Work out details on centre proportions, get buy-in from community (open event/ table at Jumble sale 20th April?), continue with plans for the corners, research parking requirements for May fayre and theatre performance
- Prepare areas in the corners for planting: cut grass, clear undergrowth
- Create 10m gap and frame new opening with the two black willows
- Tim received email from Council that they were about to place an order for more fruit trees. ACTION: Martin to engage with Richard Parmee (Bio-Diversity manager) to get advice on how many trees, what type and where best to plant
- Martin and Gary offered to manage car parking to identify how much parking is actually required
- Petanque court: funds need to be committed within 6 months. Materials (sleepers and gravel) can be ordered and paid now ACTION: Gary to request pro-forma invoices to be sent to Tim. Delivery planned for 3rd week in February, but Tim wants to check the invoices with district council. Working party required for 1st and 2nd week in March to build the court. ACTION: Gary to advertise for working party. Mini digger required
- Football nets research: Polstead has metal posts but not yet identified where they were sourced from. ACTION: Martin to continue research. Ipswich Town FC federation may be able to support, possibly with equipment or fund raising items
Up and coming events
- Beetle drive: 23 people booked for Saturday, old buffet with Jacket potatoes
- 3rd Thursday: positive feedback on social media, hopefully better attendance during the warmer months, already requests to attend the quiz in February, Bingo has to be cancelled - replaced by pub game night starting with Curling in March
- Pub Games evening (9th March) Gary to talk to Whatfield re types of drinks and maybe loan of beer glasses; Curry and Bar
- Jumble Sale (20th April): Julie has a car load ready to be collected. More donations promised but more required. Dan to manage catering
- Open Air Theatre (22nd May): contract signed. 50 tickets for us to sell, they will sell the other 200. Now waiting for advertising material. Tickets from Sheila ACTION: Gary to investigate getting temporary License for specific events; Accommodation needs to be sorted and Dan to look through promotional material provided
Meeting with other halls
- Dog shows are popular
- Bildeston hall open daily and used every evening
- Whatfields uses the school dining room - most similar to us
- Hitcham hall slightly bigger, similar events but more often.
- Milden Hall: Murder Mystery was big success and sold out
- Monks Eleigh: only act as landlord and hire out for events 100% but is now dropping off, are investigating the running of events
Produce shows, Village fairs appear to be separate and not always run at their village hall
Bigger repeat events is not always successful. Other halls do more marketing in other publications, produce own flyers, use social media more and on more platforms
No interest in inter-village competitions
Next meeting planned for April
--> proposal to share events of other halls on own platform
--> investigate ticket sales through Everbright
Dan to help Sheila with advertising on other village Facebook group.
Meeting Closed: 21:30
Nedging with Naughton Village Hall
& Community Council
Committee meeting on 14 December 2023 at 19:30
Attendees: Sheila, Tim, Paul, Dan, Gary, Martin, Chris, Julie
No harvest supper due to lack of numbers, but posh frock meal was a huge success
Keep fit Suffolk undertook a survey about what activities are waned in the village. 14 people responded to the questionnaires sent out, most voted for activity was a class with music/dance (5-6 of people who responded) Other suggestions may can be put forward for the next round of funding, however, need to keep in mind what is already offered in Bildeston.
But current contact will be leaving the role. Will set the ball rolling but classes expected to start until March.
Other activities suggested - crafts, coffee - that could be run by us
£3108 in bank plus cash from quiz. Next bill will be for grass cutting.
Quarterly bills sent out for 2 fitness classes, chased again for Pilates for Q3 (£180)
Still sailing close as bills have increased (+£300 for rates)
Need more ideas for fund raising
Electrics provider has been chasing. Tim requested more information about tie-in / changing suppliers or if- no response yet. Requesting T&Cs
New canvas over flat roof looks like it held the high winds of the past days. Far end needs to be tidied up to make look good until more permanent installation can be funded. Ceiling in gents toilet to be monitored whether more water is coming through and then repaint. ACTION: repaint in about 4 weeks.
Ventilation: every Wednesday curtains are not opened, so still wet. Heater/aircon unit fixed and now working. Richard Hunter quoted £96 for installation of 2 trickle windows. Action: raise set-back temperature to trigger the heating to come in at a lower temperature
Grey tape on transition from main hall to extension has come loose (since about 2 weeks ago)
Trees: 2 black poplar tree - need to get planted and regular updates provided to Woodland Trust
ACTION Plan required for back field - defer to sub-committee (Gary, Martin, Dan, Chris, Paul), proposal for next meeting latest (development of Village hall land with main focus on back field)
- People use it for walking
- Lots of wildlife
- Lots of funding schemes available
But field is also the village’s biggest asset
Brushwood - woodlands established 10 years (Diamond jubilee), brambles need to be cleared and managed. Some bushes have also self-seeded. ACTION: to be included in subcommittee plan
Grass cutting: previous contractor was providing more cuts than contracted without charging. Will is intending to continue with our contact but is difficult to get answers from. Chris to provide details of alternative contractor to Tim. And a flyer came in from another. ACTION: Tim to contact interested parties for quotes in January for start in March.
Have not pushed for funding for mower. Funding may be available from District council.
Balance beam - contractor promised to check but has not shown up yet. Sent copy of playground inspection. ACTION: Time to chase.
Charity/trustees - are happy to carry on
Petanque course starting in February. Proforma invoices will be accepted by the council up to April.
Work party to be arranged. Check with Emmett for hiring a mini digger.
Small football posts for playground - would that be a good idea for our hall. Need to consider insurance and maintenance. ACTION: Martin to provide some research from surrounding playgrounds. Estimated cost about £180 each.
Next year’s events
- Christmas quiz: Saturday morning David will set up himself. No help required - only Tim and Sheila. 53 orders for Fish & Chips
- Beetledrive (27 January)
- Gary to advertise the 3rd Thursday.
- Coffee caravan coming Jan, Feb and March only - not well attended, mainly Wicks Park and the other caravan park
- Dan: Cycling theatre performance “A Comedy of Errors” 22nd May - could be a 3rd Thursday special. Must sell 50 tickets or we have to top up. Any surplus sales will be split 75/25 between them and us. All marketing provided by the company. £100 non refundable and £400 refundable deposit. - Decision: to go ahead with this venture.
- Jumble Sale (Julie) donations are coming in already. Julie will share out once her storage is full. Planned for 20th April, 11am - 3pm . More donations required. Bacon, sausages and cakes
- Julie is attending the concert in Brent Eleigh of the Suffolk Beaters - research for Summer event?
- Gary: 16th January - a forum of 9 village halls set up to meet at the hall Round table about what people are doing, what does/doesn’t works, joint events ACTION: to confirm with other halls to share dates so that we don’t clash
- Julie: suggestion for Murder mystery night
- Produce show - meeting planned in February for 7th September
new battery for the clock
Next meeting: 25th January, 7:30
Meeting closed 21:
Nedging with Naughton Village Hall and Community Council
Committee meeting 03 August 2023
Sheila Goodman (Chair)
Tim Goodman (Treasurer)
Gary London, Chris Harding, Julie Raisin, Paul Homer
Apologies Received:
Dan Baker, Martin Batt
Coronation picnic and help out - well organised but poorly attended, broke even
BBQ normal attendance, enjoyed by those who attended
In bank £3230 + £1.50 pending and £150 from Pilates - late payment
Current income is not covering the raising expense (heating, insurance)
Existing weekly rentals (£40 per session) struggling for numbers:
- Tai Chi
- Zumba
- Keep fit - not viable unless numbers go up
- No longer taking place: Dog classes (£50 per week)
- Hire charge need to be reviewed for next year - currently any user pays £65 per day for the hall only, which is cheaper than around the area.
- Propose fixed price for Events (May Fayre, Produce show)
Need to look at other regular groups happening and better attendances of events from village
ACTION: Gary to reach out to other village halls to share ideas and discuss challenges
ACTION: update pricing for January by adding inflation to existing prices.
- 9th September: Quiz Quiz: 2 rounds, then food, then 4 rounds; Distributed posters to advertise
- 28th October: Harvest Supper
- 18th November: Posh Frock Dinner - starters, mains, desert, Coffee and mints - Dan & Chris
- Bingo
- 16th December: Christmas Quiz
ACTION: Sheila to update list of Events
Discussed what events would draw in more attendance
- More regular quiz nights
- look at catering (drinks & nibbles)
- Enquire with Bildeston surgery who could refer sports classes to the Hall
- Reach out with Bingo organisers was well attended by people who don’t normally attends - could do more but organisers want to do these as charity events
- Board games night
ACTION: get a plan with feasible events and to set up schedule
- Gary happy to lead an Event every 6 weeks
- Need to share burden of events
- Provisional - Regular events on 3rd Thursday each month (Games (18/1), Bingo (Feb), Quiz (march) Quiz with food, others with nibble) - Tim to check with Chris from Bingo
- Other events: to be finalised on next meeting: Beetle drive, Pub games night,
- Ventilation in the hall: condensation of main hall is the problem. Most likely due to differential heating. Curtains have been damp since the extension was built.
o Might help if curtains have a gap fitted
o Check if the Vent is still available on the old wall above the insulated ceiling and put air brick in --> ventilation engineer has put in positive pressure ventilation
o Check if something in the loft that can be moved --> suspended ceiling in extension makes access difficult
o Soft piece above door and above the suspended ceiling that can be broken into - Gary to try out
- Grounds Maintenance contract: Will is giving up some of his grass cutting after getting a farm manager job at Hollow tree farm. Will give 3 months notice if he has to give up the hall cutting
- Electricity board will come to cut back trees that impact on the electricity supply
- Trees and Grounds maintenance: open up the path through the forest once nesting season is over
- Window cleaning: Sue’s cleaner never got back
ACTION: Gary to check with their cleaner, who is looking for more work in the area
- Bird mess on picnic tables: Sheila occasionally cleans the tables, but play equipment needs protecting - ACTION: consider installing Bird spikes
- Need another weeding session ACTION: Chris to put some more salt in, Gary to organise another weekend session (90min)
- Playground Report: Report acknowledged. Some recommendations will be implemented: put caps onto the picnic tables, cut hedges, Dan to repair the broken fence, Balance beam needs to have smoothed edges ACTION: Tim to discuss with Playground installer to fix.
- Petanque court proposal needs to have 3 quotes to get grant from Council
ACTION: Gary to organise quotes for contracts/ self-build/material by end of August
- EV charging point: is on parish council questionnaire, but location needs to be confirmed by Village Hall Committee
Opinions: VH not a suitable location (Tim), what are the use cases for the point
- Visiting cars may charge
- Possible source of income
Need more information on how this would work contractually - ACTION: Gary to ask Offton
Next meeting: 5th October 2023
Meeting closed 21:25
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